Rise of the Valkyrie: a new game is being created! :D

My boyfriend and some friends are participating in a contest about creating videogames in a short time. They are creating a game for Indies vs PewDiePie. The game is called Rise of the Valkyrie and it's about a Valkyrie who fights Odin. I'm not going to talk much about it,
 just open the link and have a look!  I'm just going to wish you play the game and have fun! And my voice is on the final boss, on the soundtrack!

O meu e uns amigos estão a participar num concurso que implica fazer um videojogo num curto espaço de tempo. Eles estão a criar um jogo para o Indies vs PewDiePie. O jogo chama-se Rise of the Valkyrie e é sobre uma valquíria que combate o Odin. Não vou falar muito do jogo, abram o link e vejam! Desejo que o joguem e se divirtam! E a minha voz está no final boss do jogo, na banda sonora!

Rise of the Valkyrie link (vote for them, please!):


Game created by:
Nuno Ferreira (Game Design)

Jorge Pinto (Programmer, Game Design)

Vitor Rocha (Art, Game Design)

Francisco Xavier (Sound)

Joana Teixeira (Sound Vocals)


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