Rise of the Valkyrie is now available for download!

The game Rise of the Valkyrie is already available for you to download it and play it! Oh, please do! And then rate it also!

Follow this link to download and rate the game:

Please vote for it too!

Why? Because if it goes to Top Ten, PewDiePie will play it and make a video of it!
And it's a way to show to the world that Portugal has great game developers that need support in order to be able to create videogames for a living.

O jogo Rise of the Valkyrie já está disponível para download e para ser jogado! Joguem, por favor! E façam rate também!

Sigam este link para fazer download e rate:

Por favor, votem nele também!

Porquê? Porque se for para o Top Ten o PewDiePie vai jogá-lo e fazer um vídeo sobre isso! E é uma maneira de mostrar ao mundo que Portugal tem bons game developers que precisam de apoio para poderem viver dos jogos que fazem.
Game created by:
Nuno Ferreira (Game Design)

Jorge Pinto (Programmer, Game Design)

Vitor Rocha (Art, Game Design)

Francisco Xavier (Sound)

Joana Teixeira (Sound Vocals)


Rise of the Valkyrie: a new game is being created! :D

My boyfriend and some friends are participating in a contest about creating videogames in a short time. They are creating a game for Indies vs PewDiePie. The game is called Rise of the Valkyrie and it's about a Valkyrie who fights Odin. I'm not going to talk much about it,
 just open the link and have a look!  I'm just going to wish you play the game and have fun! And my voice is on the final boss, on the soundtrack!

O meu e uns amigos estão a participar num concurso que implica fazer um videojogo num curto espaço de tempo. Eles estão a criar um jogo para o Indies vs PewDiePie. O jogo chama-se Rise of the Valkyrie e é sobre uma valquíria que combate o Odin. Não vou falar muito do jogo, abram o link e vejam! Desejo que o joguem e se divirtam! E a minha voz está no final boss do jogo, na banda sonora!

Rise of the Valkyrie link (vote for them, please!):


Game created by:
Nuno Ferreira (Game Design)

Jorge Pinto (Programmer, Game Design)

Vitor Rocha (Art, Game Design)

Francisco Xavier (Sound)

Joana Teixeira (Sound Vocals)


So I'll finally go see Epica for the first time!

I've known Epica's music since 2010, when I heard about it for the first time. The band already came to Portugal several times, but I never got the chance to go see them. I almost went to see them in Vagos Open Air, this year, but when the time arrived I didn't have the money and friends to go with me. 

The lucky one / Um homem com sorte - review [spoiler free!]

Hello! It has been a long time since I last wrote a review and honestly I was feeling bad for that! Here goes the review of a book I finished reading months ago, The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. It's a book that was published in 2008, after a year's pause on writing. My review is spoiler free in therms  of action, though I describe the characters, but not what happens to them, only events that you notice since you begin to read.